Friday, 7 October 2022

Past Paper English First Year| Year 2019 group 1 BISE Lahore Board || Eureka Study Aids.

Past Paper English First Year
Year 2019 Group 1
Choose the correct option in meaning to the underlined words:
1. The Sindhi Woman was walking with undulant grace.
(a) like boughs  (b) like daffodils
(c) like dolls      (d) like waves
2. Gorgios cloths were magnificent.
(a) loose  (b) cheap
(c) ugly    (d) grand
3. I would like poodle hair cut.
(a) curly  (b) straight
(c) plain   (d) wavy
4. The flying object seems to dissolve to the living room of Spelding's house.
(a) vanish       (b) decorate
(c) embellish  (d) furnish 
5. The boy who snatched the purse was frail in physique.
(a) strong  (b) weak
(c) fat        (d) bulky
6. The cherry is hung with bloom along the boughs.
(a) buds         (b) flowers
(c) branches  (d) stakes
7. Jess's father whiffed the smell of the wild dirt into his nostrils.
(a) deepen     (b) smelled
(c) disgusted  (d) emitted
8. The drumbeater called out to the people.
(a) appreciated  (b) announced
(c) abused          (d) scolded
9. The girl slams the door.
(a) buys    (b) shuts with a force
(c) opens  (d) paints
10. Steward  looked embrassed.
(a) successful  (b) delighted
(c) upset          (d) mysterious
Choose the correct option:
11. John is a----------.
(a) merchant      (b) pilot
(c) farm owner  (d) professor
12. The Girl saw in the flash of lightning.
(a) a dog  (b) a bus
(c) a car   (d) a man's face
13. What is the dream?
(a) Equality of high and low
(b) The practice of brotherhood
(c) Rule of the blacks  (d) negation of whites
14. From where was the Girl coming?
(a) Hotel  (b) office
(c) Beauty shop  (d) College
15. Which ones of the cities was attached?
(a) Taxes         (b) Virginia
(c) New York  (d) New Jersy
Choose the correct form of the verb:
16. Charity---------at home.
(a) being         (b) began
(c) has begun  (d) begins
17. This book was----------two days ago.
(a) published     (b) publish
(c) will publish  (d) publishes
18. Quaid-e-Azam----------very hard.
(a) works    (b) work
(c) worked  (d) will work
19. They----------their work by tomorrow.
(a) will has completed   (b) had completed
(c) will have completed  (d) will complete
20. They----------their meals before the guests arrived.
(a) will have taken  (b) had taken
(c) have taken          (d) will take
2. Answer in (3-5lines / sentences) any SIX of the following questions from Book-I (shoet stories) (12)
(i) Why did Arthur disagree with his wife?
(ii) How did the old man prove his doctor wrong in "Clearing in the Sky"?
(iii) What made Hubert shameful?
(iv) What were the feelings of Gorgios an the occasion of inauguration of the post of Court acrobat?
(v) Why did the king recover in "The Gulistan of Sa'di"?
(vi) Why did the parents rebuke their sick girl?
(vii) What was desire of every farmer in "A Mild Attack of Locusts?
(viii) Why did Della sell her hair in "The Gift of Magi"?
(ix) What did the author like about Christmas?
3. Answer in (3-5 lines / sentences) any FIVE of the folloing questions from Book-III(One Act Plays) (10)
(i) What did Clay find near black rock?
(ii) What does Clay believe in the Oyster?
(iii) Why does Spelding hate John?
(iv) How did Kreton secure his Spaceship?
(v) Write a short note on Ellen?
(vi) What type of person was the second man?
(vii) Who saved the life of the girl?
(viii) What were the circumstances that forced the girl to leave her car?
4. Answer in (3-5 lines / sentences any FOUR of the following questions from Book-III(poems)(8)
(i) What does the word "poor" mean in the poem "The Rain"?
(ii) How does the reader frighten the rider?
(iii) What words were inscribed at the bottom of the statue?
(iv) Why does the poet call the modern men as hollow men?
(v) Why did the people of the two cities look powerless and helpless?
(vi) What makes one scared of sinning?
5. Write a letter to your father explaining to him the causes of your failure in the examination.(10)
Write an application to the Principle of your collage for fee-concession.
6. Write a story on moral lesson: (10)
Kindness never goes unrewarded.
Might is Right
7. (a) Explain the following lines with reference to the context: (5)
Fissuring the atom,
You have learnt weep and wail in a loud tone,
Splitting the grain,
You have learnt to set life on foot
(b) Punctuate the following extract from Book-I (5)
In the quiet autumn mr bittering stood very dark now very golden-eyed upon the slope above his villa above looking at the valley.
(c) Use any FIVE of the following pairs of words in your sentences.(5)
(i) Accept; Except  (ii) Beside; Besides
(iii) Check; Cheque  (iv) Destination; Destiny
(v) Bail; Bale            (vi) Sweet; Sweat
(vii) Vain; Vein
8. translate the following passage in to Urdu. (short stories from Book-I) (15)
I am not unmindful that some of you have come here out of great trials and tribulations. Some of you have come fresh from narrow jail cells. Some of you have come from the areas where your quest for freedom left you battered by the storms of persecution and staggered by the winds of police brutality. You have been the veterans of creative suffering. Continue to work with the faith that unearned suffering is redemptive. Go back to Mississippi, go back to Alabama, go back to South Carolina, go back to Gorgia, go back to Louisiana, go back to the slums and ghettos of our northern cities, knowing that somehow this situation can will be changed.
Candidate whose medium of the Examination is English will write an essay on " Village Life" (15)


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