Wednesday, 5 October 2022

Past Paper English First Year| Year 2016 Group 2 BISE Lahore Board || Eureka Study Aids.

Past Paper English First Year
Year 2016 Group-II
Choose the correct option in meaning of the following underlined words:
1. Is my accent very bad.
(a) wealth             (b) fame
(c) pronunciation  (d) color
2. I with my stoop reflect.
(a) think  (b) ask
(c) look    (d) criticize
3. He too was turned off.
(a( rejected  (b) beaten
(c) called     (d) abused
4. It is an old fashioned shop crowded with stuff.
(a) decorated  (b) colored
(c) damaged  (d) packed
5. She dragged the boy inside
(a) pulled  (b) pushed
(c) punished  (d) invited
6. We are here to rescue you.
(a) award  (b) punish 
(c) save  (d) meet
7. A large bus schedule on the wall.
(a) picture  (b) programme
(c) model    (d) fare
8. Old Stephen yelled at the house boy.
(a) hit         (b) advised
(c) pushed  (d) shouted
9. They can really create the great.
(a) encourage  (b) discourage
(c) produce      (d) praise
10. To whom shall i complaint against brutality.
(a) kindness (b) cruelty
(c) desired    (d) wisdom
Choose the correct option.
11. Mr. Sofronie was a:
(a) small woman  (b) kind woman
(c) rich woman     (d) large woman
12. John is a:
(a) merchant  (b) farm owner
(c) player        (d) doctor
13. Where did the Norma put the lamb chops.
(a) in the oven  (b) in the broiler
(c) in the freezer  (d) in the basket
14. Harry came to O.K by the sea.
(a) twenty years ago           (b) twenty two years ago
(c) twenty three years ago  (d) twenty five years ago
15. Who wanted to be appointed as court acrobat?
(a) Jorkens  (b) Terbut
(c) Gorgios  (d) The writer
Choose the correct form of the verb.
16. They will be----------by the teacher.
(a) punish  (b) punishes
(c) punished  (d) punishing
17. Work hard lest you.
(a) will fail  (b) had failed
(c) should fail  (d) fail
18. We----------help them.
(a) has  (b) have
(c) shall  (d) have been
19. If I went to Lahore, I---------costly things.
(a) would  (b) shall
(c) will       (d) will be
20. Why did they----------a noise.
(a) make  (b) makes
(c) made   (d) making
2. Answer in (3-5 lines / sentences) any SIX of the following questions from Book-I (12)
(i) What was the significance of Arthur's life-insurance policy?
(ii) What was the condition of bittering family after hearing the news of the war on the earth?
(iii) How did Gorgios persuade his people to make his country strong?
(iv) Why did the people made fun of Hubert's innocence?
(v) Why did the girl break the wooden blade?
(vi) What was the punishment inflict upon the quack by the villagers?
(vii) What should be the criterion of judgement for a person?
(viii) Why did the men eat their super with good opetities?
(ix) Why are the noble deeds always a great joy for Arthur?
3. Answer in (3-5 lines / sentences) any FIVE of the following questions from Book-III (One Act Plays) (10)
(i) What was the condition of the weather?
(ii) Why did the girl not want to go the police?
(iii) How does Kreton impress the General Powers?
(iv) What is the purpose of the visit of the Kreton?
(v) What is the role of general powers in the play?
(vi) What kind of haircut Miss McCutcheon want?
(vii) Why do they want Wozzeck to come?
(viii) What does Harry advise Miss McCutcheon do?
4. Answer in (3-5 lines / sentences) any FOUR of the following questions from Book-III (poems)(8)
(i) After reading the poem "Love Liest of Tree, the Cherry now" write how old is the poet?
(ii) What did the poet reflect when he saw the Sindhi Woman?
(iii) What do you feel after reading the poem " The Feed "?
(iv) What has made the efforts of Muslims Fruitless?
(v) Why does a person feel helpless on the death of friend?
(vi) What is the effect of love?
5. Write a letter to your friend requesting him/her to lend you some Islamic books. (10)
Write an application to the principle for the refund of library security.
6. Write a story on moral lesson. (10)
Where there is a will, there is a way.
Pride hath a fall.
7. (a) Explain the following lines with reference to the context. (5)
Those who have crossed
Wish, direct eyes, to death's other kingdom
Remember us-------if at all--------not as lost
Violent souls, but only
As the hallow men
(b) Punctuate the following extract from Book-I (5)
look at this jess he bragged did you ever see better alfalfa grow out of the earth
(c) Use any FIVE of the following pairs of words in your sentences. (5)
(i) Artist; Artisan          (ii) Bridal; Bridle
(iii) Council; Counsel  (iv) Dose; Doze
(v) Gaol; Goal               (vi) Feet; Feat
(vii) Wave; Waive 
8. Translate the following passage in to Urdu.  (short stories from Book-I) (15) 
This is our hope. This is the faith which I return to the South. with this faith we will be able to hew out of  the mountain of despair. a stone of hope. With this faith we will be able to transform the jangling discords of our nation in to a beautiful symphony the brotherhood. With this faith we will be able to work together, to pray together, to struggle together, to go to jail together, to stand up for freedom together, knowing that we will be free one day.
Candidate whose medium of the Examination will write an essay on " My Favourite Poet" (15)


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