Past Paper English First Year
Year 2015 Group 2
Choose the correct option meaning to the underlined words:
1. The odour of food was appetixing.
(a) foul (b) sweet
(c) exciting (d) bitter
2. Mr. Steward's tone had been offensive.
(a) disagreeable (b) co-operative
(c) friendly (d) fine
3. The children hollored at the Martian sky.
(a) smiled (b) played
(c) looked (d) shouted
4. Enter the lantern's orbit.
(a) range (b) mood
(c) light (d) string
5. Yonder's the midden whose odours will madden.
(a) mole hill (b) mountain
(c) dung hill (d) meadow
6. Roger Spelding is described as middle aged and unctuous.
(a) knowledgeable (b) smiling
(c) punctual (d) smooth in speech
7. The girl screams.
(a) runs (b) sits
(c) cries (d) laughs
8. The girl left that she was going to faint.
(a) lose conciousness (b) die
(c) be afraid (d) shriek
9. The farm was ringing with the clamour of the gang.
(a) sound (b) tone
(c) uproar (d) forces
10. The doctor coaxed the child to open her mouth.
(a) asked (b) forced
(c) flattered (d) forbade
Each statement has four options, Choose the correct one:
11. What punishment did the villagers purpose on the death of the old man?
(a) to pay the damages (b) to be persecuted
(c) to be imprisoned (d) to dig her grave
12. Gorgios had an idea to become----------.
(a) court jester (b) court advisor
(c) court athlete (d) court acrobat
13. She received a call from lennox Hill----------.
(a) hotel (b) hospital
(c) hostel (d) office
14. The loveliest of the alll trees is the----------.
(a) apple (b) mango
(c) cherry (d) walnut
15. The girl's life is saved by a----------who had come there by chance.
(a) police officer (b) bus boy
(c) beggar (d) dog
Each statement has four possible options. Only one is correct. Choose the correct one:
16. The bell---------when I reached the college.
(a) was ringing (b) is ringing
(c) had been rung (d) will be ringing
17. I was fined for not---------home work.
(a) do (b) did
(c) done (d) doing
18. We----------for her since morning.
(a) have been waiting (b) are waiting
(c) have waiting (d) will have waiting
19. He usually----------to Murree in summer.
(a) went (b) goes
(c) go (d) gone
20. The sun----------in the east.
(a) rised (b) rises
(c) rose (d) risen
2. Answer in (3-5 lines / sentences) any SIX of the following questions from Book-I (short stories) (12)
(i) Why did Norma consider the town and attitude of Mr. Steward offensive?
(ii) Why did the boy not run from the house of woman?
(iii) Why did Manana accuse Hubert of picking the lost of pocket book?
(iv) Did Gorgious use any short cut to achieve his ambition?/
(v) What was the punishment inflicted upon the quack by the villagers?
(vi) What are locusts?
(vii) What is the dream of Martin Luther King?
(viii) Why did Jim sell the gold watch?
(ix) What was his turban known as and where did it originally come from?
3. Answer in (3-5 lines / sentences) any FIVE of the following questions from Book-III(One Act Plays)(10)
(i) What were the circumstances that forced the girl to leave her car?
(ii) Why could not the girl describe the killer?
(iii) What is the role of Generals Powers in play?
(iv) How does Kreton prove his extraordinary powers?
(v) How does Kreton impress General Powers?
(vi) Where does the play " The Oyster and the Pearl" take place?
(vii) Why does Clay need money?
(viii) What does Clay want to put in the local newspaper?
4. Answer in (3-5 lines / sentences) any FOUR of the following questions from Book-III (poems)(8)
(i) How does the scenary look after rain?
(ii) Describe the beauty of the cherry tree.
(iii) How does the reader frighten the rider?
(iv) Describe the scene of devastation in " A Tale of Two Cities"?
(v) What ere the things that keep a person alive?
(vi) When does a person question his scenses when the facts fail him?
5. Write a letter to your friend congratulating on his/ her brilliant success in the examination.(10)
Write an application to the Principle for the change subjects.
6. Write a story on moral lesson:(10)
"Do Good, Have Good"
"God helps those who help themselves"
7. (a) Explain the following lines with reference to the context:(5)
"Our dried voices, when
We whisper together
Are quite and meaningless"
(b) Punctuate the following extract from Book-I:(5)
i was seen with the pocketbook who saw we mr manana the harness man saw you pick up the pocketbook
(c) Use any FIVE of the following pairs of words in your sentences:(5)
(i) Access; excess (ii) Allusion; illusion
(iii) Bridal; bridle (iv) Calendar; calender
(v) Goal; Goal (vi) Later; latter
(vii) Soar; sore
8. Translate the following passage in to Urdu. (short stories from Book-I)(15)
One evening, as the sun was setting, some travelers stayed to rest under a clump of trees and loosening their camels, set them to graze. It happened that one of the animals entered a melon- field, and that a melon stuck in its throat. The owner seeing this and fearing to lose the animal, tired a blanket round its throat, and then struck the place with all his might.
Candidate whose medium of the Examination of English will write an essay on " A Visit to Hill Station" (15)
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