Thursday, 18 April 2013


1. How can a rainy day be enjoyed?
Ans. It can be enjoyed in different ways e.g., we can enjoy rain-noise as a music.
2. What does Night Mail bring?
Ans. It brings letters of different people.
3. What are the feelings of the poet standing in the dark?
Ans. He is disappointed because there is threat of war, misery and poverty.
4. Why has the poet used 'cannon balls' to describe the fruits?
Ans. He has done so because both are round in shape.
5. What did the reader tell the rider about the valley?
Ans. He tells him that the valley is fatal.
6. What did the poet reflect when he saw the woman?
Ans. He reflected, "They stand most straight who learn to walk beneath a weight".
7. What kind of a picture of Karachi slums do we get after reading the poem.
Ans. Karachi slums are dirty and untidy.
8. What did the traveller see in the desert?
Ans. He saw a broken statue of a king, Ozymandias.
9. Who was Ozymandias?
Ans. He was a proud king of Greece.
10. What does the sparrow hold in her beak?
Ans. She is holding a grain of millet.
11. How many young ones are to be fed?
Ans. There are ten young ones to be fed.
12. What has the poet described in the poem, "The Feed"?
Ans. He has described the love of a mother for her young one.
13. Why does the poet call the modern men as hollow men?
Ans. It is because modern men have no wisdom, and have given up all moral norms.
14. Who was Abraham (A.S)?
Ans. He (A.S.) was the prophet of God.
15. What is worse than slavery?
Ans. To have no faith is worse than slavery.
16. Who cannot compete with the civilization of Makkah?
Ans. The Europeans cannot compete it.
17. What has made the efforts of Muslims fruitless?
Ans. It is the lack of love for humanity.
18. Why do the people look powerless and helpless?
Ans. It is because thousands of people are dead and there is no one to help them.
19. Under what circumstances the victims had to pass through?
Ans. They had to pass through very bad, crushing and pitiable circumstances.
20. Describe the scene of devastation in the poem "A Tale of Two Cities".
Ans. Thousands of people were dead. Everything was destroyed. Nothing was left.
21. What is the moral of the poem, "A Tale of Two Cities"?
Ans. It is that humans should avoid wars and live peacefully.
22. When does a person remember God?
Ans. He remembers God when he loves Him or he is about to die.
23. What is the effect of death scene?
Ans. It makes others aware of the fact that sooner of later, everyone is to die.
24. Why does a person feel helpless on the death of a friend?
Ans. He feels helpless because he cannot avert the laws of nature.
25. Without whose love is Bullah in loss?
Ans. Without God's love, Bullah is in loss.
26. What makes one entangled in love?
Ans. It is beauty and attraction.
27. Why did Mansur mount the gallows?
Ans. He mounted the gallows for the love of his beloved, God.
28. How many attributes of God are mentioned in the poem, "God's Attributes"?
Ans. Three attributes of God are mentioned: Seeing, Hearing and Knowing.
29. What are the effects of the attributes of God?
Ans. These are effective for character buidling.
30. Why does a person question his senses when the fact fail him?
Ans. He questions his senses because he becomes doubtful about them.

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