Thursday, 25 April 2013


(A) RCT (Reference to the Context)
(i) Reference: The Rain by W.H. Davies
Context: This poem is a beautiful description of two natural phenomena; rain and sunshine. 
(ii) Reference:  Night Mail by W.H. Auden
Context: This poem is a beautiful description of a train that carries mails for everyone. 
(ii) Reference: Loveliest of Tress, the Cherry Now by A. E. Housman
Context: This poem is a beautiful description of cherry tree in spring and winter. 
(iv) Reference: O Where are You Going? by W.H. Auden
Context: This poem is an imaginary dialogue between two opposite forces; good and evil. 
(v) Reference: In the Street of Fruit Stalls by Jan Stallworthy
Context: This poem is a symbolic presentation of the world threatened with war and poverty. 
(vi) Reference: A Sindhi Woman by Jan Stallworthy
Context: This poem is a rich tribute to hard work even under a pressure. 
(vii) Reference: Times from Ecclesiastes
Context: This poem tells us that everything happens in this world according to a planned schedule.
(viii) Reference: Ozymandias by P.B. Shelly
Context: This poem shows the pride of man and tells that human beings are mortal but art is not.
(ix) Reference: The Feed by Ahmad Nadeem Qasmi
Context: This poem shows the love of mother for her young ones and criticizes modern science.
(x) Reference: The Hollow Men by T.S. Eliot
Context: This poem satirizes modern men who are leading aimless and worthless lives.
(xi) Reference: Leisure by W.H. Davies
Context: This poem satirizes modern busy men who have no time to enjoy the beauties of Nature.
(xii) Reference: Ruba'iyat by Allama Iqbal
Context: This poem tells the miserable condition of the Muslims and urges upon the need of strong faith. 
(xiii) Reference: A Tale of Two Cities by John Peter
Context: This poem praises the people of Japan for their hard work to regain their lost strength.
(xiv) Reference: My Neighbour Friend Breathing His Last! by Bullah Shah
Context: This poem describes that the death of others creates feelings of fear in us and we remember Allah. 
(xv) Reference: He Came to Know Himself by Sachal Sarmast
Context: This poem tells us that Allah comes on the earth in the guise of His lovers like Mansur.
(xvi) Reference: God's Attributes by Jalaluddin Rumi
Context: This poem describes three limitless attributes of God; "Seeing", "Hearing" and "Knowing".
(xvii) Reference: The Delight Song by N. Scott Monaday
Context:  This poem reflects the inner happiness of the poet due to his good relation with man and nature.
(xviii) Reference:  Love - An Essence of All Religions by Jalaluddin Rumi
Context: This poem suggests that love can solve problems and change adversities into pleasures.
(xix) Reference: A Man of Words and Not of Deeds by Charles Perault
Context: This poem criticizes those lazy people who waste their time and finally meet a tragic end.
(xx) Reference: In Broken Images by Robert Graves
Context: This poem tells that man meditates to know the facts of life but remains curious about them.
          These are very reflective and thought-provoking lines. These have many layers of meanings. The surface meaning is simple and easy to understand. However, the hidden meaning is somewhat complex and not easy to discern for a common reader.In these lines the poet says that -----------------------------------.


  1. can you post some detailed explanation of the last 5 poems??

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  2. Plz post explanation... From 2nd poem night mail.....

    1. It is a simple poem composed by W.H.Auden . In this peom the poet describe the journey of a coach in an interesting way. The night mail travels the whole night to bring mail; containing letters, postal, orders and cheques for the people living in different parts of the country.

      The journey is not always the same sometimes the coach has to climb upwards and sometimes it crosses the plain but it reaches its destination always on time . During the journey the coach passes through grass lands, cotton fields and moorland areas etc.

      The poet mentains about attitude of birds, as it approaches, the birds become active and stare at it through buses. The sheep dogs are not at all disturbed by the noise of the train as they are last in their slumber. The poet minutely describes all the details that happen. When night mail passes through the farm, the people without being disturbed continue to sleep. Only a jug placed in the bedroom shakes gently due to the vibration caused by the train.

  3. Plz post explanation... From 2nd poem night mail.....

  4. Plz...can u give some detail of poem
    "My neighbor friend breathing his last"

    1. This poem is written by bullah shah in which he explain his feeling at the time of his spertual guide bullah says he is in loss without his spirtual guide every where there are talks of of death bullah is feeling very sad hi want to die to get buried with his friend but death is not in his gands
