Thursday 10 November 2022

Past Paper English First Year| Year 2014 Group 1 BISE Multan Board|| Eureka Study Aids.

 Past Paper English First Year
Year 2014 Group 1
Following statement are followed by four options. Only one choice is closet in meaning to the underlined words in the statement. 
1. The cherry is hung with bloom along the bough.
(a) Branch    (b) Blossom
(c) Stem        (d) Twig 
2. Through love, stake becomes a throne.
(a) Bed    (b) Chair
(c) Throne (d) Death pier
3. Impulsively Norma picked up the card halves.
(a) Fortunately   (b) Probably
(c) Knowingly    (d) Instinctively
4. Mr. James was the caretaker of public hall.
(a) Engineer   (b) Designer
(c) Builder       (d) Keeper
5. The quack struck the old woman with a mallet.
(a) Axe     (b) Speer
(c) whip    (d) Hammer
6. The crooked places would be made straight.
(a) Upright   (b) Curved
(c) Hilly       (d) Watery
7. The young man was in a very precarious state.
(a) Definite      (b) Safe
(c) Dangerous  (d) delightful
8. The girl was sobbing.
(a) Laughing    (b) sculling
(c) Weeping     (d) Singing
9. Slowly a luminous object are into view.
(a) Radiant    (b) Dim
(c) Murky      (d) Dark
10. All philosophies sound good.
(a) Delight   (b) Look
(c) Vices      (d) Hide
Each questions statement has four options. Only one choice is correct:
11. The dog saved the life of:
(a) First man    (b) Second man 
(c) Girl             (d) Killer
12. Norma put the lamb chops in the:
(a) Cheer    (b) Boiler
(c) Freezer  (d) Basket
13. Nushirvan was a:
(a) Slave    (b) Sergeant
(c) King     (d)  Accountant
14. Jim bought a gift of :
(a) A watch   (b) Shoes
(c) Clips       (d) The combs
15. Who is Roger Spelding.
(a) A general          (b) A soldier
(c) A news caster   (d) A technician
Choose the correct form of verb and fill up the bubbles.
16. A rolling stone----------no moss.
(a) gather         (b) gathers
(c) will gather  (d) gathered
17. It----------since morning.
(a) rain              (b) raining
(c) had raining   (d) has been raining
18. Would that I----------a minister.
(a) was    (b) as
(c) were  (d) shall
19. We seldom------------to bed before eleven.
(a) go   (b) went
(c) were  (d) shall
20. If he ran fast, he----------the train.
(a) caught          (b) will catch
(c) would catch  (d) have caught
2. Write short answers (3-5lines/sentences) of any six of question in words of your own. (Book-I short stories) (12)
(i) What did the old man take the steep path?
(ii) why did Manana accuse Hubert of picking up the lost pocketbook?
(iii) What happened to the boy when he tried to snatch the woman's purse?
(iv) What did Maulvi Abul buy from Shamim Ahmad's shop?
(v) For whom did the quack dig the grave?
(vi) What should be the role of Qazi?
(vii) Describe the uniform of court acrobat.
(viii) What was the message Norma received on pushing the button?
(ix) What was the cause of Negro's discontentment?
3. Write short answers 93-5 lines/sentences) of any five of questions in words of your own. (Book-III One Act Plays) (10)
(i) How does the second man help the girl to overcome her fear of lightening?
(ii) What type of play "Heat Lightening"?
(iii) Why does the girl refuse to go the police station?
(iv) Does Kreton have better morals than human beings?
(v) What is the real purpose of Kreton's visit to the earth?
(vi) What is the importance of General's powers role in the play "Visit to a small Plane"?
(vii) Where does the action of the paly "The Oyster and the Pearl"?
(viii) What is Harry's Philosophy?
4. Write short answers 935 lines/sentences) of any four questions in words of your own. (Book-III Poems) (8)
(i) What sort of poem "O Where are you Going" is?
(ii) What was the Sindhi woman carrying on her head?
(iii) What did the features of the statue reflect?
(iv) What is the present state of the Muslims as given in the last stanza of the poem (Rubaiyat)?
(v) Describe the moral lesson of "A Tale of two Cities"?
(vi) How do the attributes of God effect man's character?
5. Write a letter to your father information him about your progress in studies. (10)
Write an application to the Principal of your college for readmission.
6. Write a story on moral lesson: (10)
"As you sow, so shall you Reap"
"All that Glitters is not Gold"
7. (a) Explain the following lines with reference to the context: (5)
Love's madness had departed; in
The Muslim's veins the blood runs thin;
Ranks broken, hearts perplexed, prayers cold,
No feelings deeper than the skin.
(b) Punctuate the following extract from Book-I(short stories) (5)
i was seen with the pocketbook who saw me mr manana the harness man saw you pick up the pocketbook
(c) Use any Five of the following pairs of words in sentences of your own.(5)
(i) Affect; Effect    (ii) Clock; Cloak
(iii) Device; Devise  (iv) Hale; Hail
(v) Metal; Mettle     (vi) Ring; Wing
(vii) Tail; Tale
8. Translate the following passage into Urdu. (15)
A son of a farmer was discovered to posses the qualities mentioned by the doctor. The king summoned the father and mother of the boy, whose consent he got by giving them a huge amount of wealth. The Qazi issued a decree to shed the blood of a person for the wealth of the king. The boy was brought to the altar and the executioner was directed to slaughter the boy. When all was ready the boy looked toward the sky and smiled.
NOTE:- (Alternative questions for foreign/English Medium candidates only)
Write an Essay on "Village Life."

Tuesday 8 November 2022

Past Paper English First Year| Year 2012 Group 2 BISE Multan Board|| Eureka Study Aids.

 Past Paper English First Year
Year 2012 Group 2
Following statement are followed by four options. Only one choice is closet in meaning to the underlined words in the statement.
1. Norma made a scoffing sound.
(a) Loud       (b) Taunting
(c) laughing  (d) Whispering
2. The mayor was a stout serious man.
(a) Weak       (b) Bulky
(c) Strong     (d) Impressive
3. The slave had never experienced any calamity.
(a) Disaster   (b) Sea water
(c) Boat         (d) Happiness
4. The Locusts were crawling everywhere.
(a) Running   (b) Creeping
(c) Flying      (d) Sitting
5. The Youngman was ambling along the road.
(a) Skimming    (b) Running
(c) Standing      (d) Moving gently
6. He glances back at the door up.
(a) Knocks   (b) Looks
(c) Pulls       (d) Puts
7. You are only in the initial stage.
(a) Difficult   (b) Easy
(c) Important (d) First
8. Clark Larabee has scarcely noticed her.
(a) Hardly    (b) Happily
(c) Quickly  (d) Suddenly
9. Half sunk, a shattered visage lies.
(a) Body    (b) Legs
(c) Back    (d) Face
10. Through love grief becomes a joy.
(a) Loss      (b) Sadness
(c) Failure   (d) success
Each question statement has four options. Only one is correct:
11. Where were the men doing in the town of Mars on the shadowy steps of store?
(a) Quarrelling   (b) Conversing with great leisure & ease
(c) Playing         (d) Dancing with great pleasure
12. Who was Nushirvan?
(a) A Slave   (b) A sergeant
(c) A teacher (d) A king of Persia
13. Glory of whom shall be revealed?
(a) President   (b) Lord
(c) Governor   (d) Mayor
14. Where did the spaceship land?
(a) on the roof   (b) In the fields
(c) on a hill        (d) In the rose garden of Mrs. Spelding
15. What sort of hair cut does does Miss McCutcheon what?
(a) Razor cut    (b) Curly
(c) Poodle        (d) Cropped cut
Following statement are followed by four possible options. Only one choice is correct.
16. All that is not gold.
(a) Glitter     (b) Glitters
(c) Glittered  (d) have glittered
17. I----------in his college for ten years.
(a) teach             (b) has taught
(c) Have taught  (d) am teaching
18. You----------if you had worked hard.
(a) will have passed   (b) had passed
(c) would pass           (d) would have passed
20. He made me------------.
(a) Stand    (b) To stand 
(c) Stood    (d) Had stood
2. Write Short Answers (3-5 lines / sentences) of any SIX questions in words of your own. (Book-III one short stories) (12)
(i) Why did the woman ask Roger to wash his face?
(ii) Why did George give the pocketbook to the employer?
(iii) Give at least two reasons for Jess's father taking the steep path.
(iv) What different tactics did farmers use to save their crops from Loscusts?
(v) State the role of Qazi as decided in " The Gulistan of Sa'adi"?
(vi) What was the result of the sick Girl's attack on the doctor's eyes?
(vii) Who was Shamim Ahmed and whom did he marry?
(viii) From where did Jim get money to buy the gift for Della?
(ix) What was the cause of Negro's discontentment?
3. Write Short Answers (3-5 lines / sentences) of any FIVE of the following questions from Book-III(One Act Plays) (10)
(i) How did the Second Man accuse the First Man of lying?
(ii) Does the girl become Suspicious of the First Man as the play progress?
(iii) What is the theme of Kreton's study?
(iv) How does Kreton impress General powers?
(v) What is the role of General powers?
(vi) What is Applegarth's complaint about the sea?
(vii) What kind of gadget does the writer describe in the play " The Oyster and the Pearl"?
(viii) Why does Clark Larabee returns at the end of the play?
4. Write Short Answers (3-5 lines / sentences) of any Four of the following questions from Book-III (poems) (8)
(i) What does Cherry look like?
(ii) What did the poet reflect when he saw the Sindhi Woman?
(iii) In what condition was the statue of Ozymandias standing in the desert?
(iv) Why did the people of two cities of Japan look powerless and helpless?
(v) What is the moral lesson of the poem "In Broken Images"?
(vi) How do we react to Beauty's glance?
5. Write a letter to your father requesting him to increase your monthly allowance. (10)
Write an application to the Principal of your college for remission of library fee.
6. Write a story bearing the moral: (10)
" Kindness never goes unrewarded".
"All Covet, All lose".
7. (a) Explain the following lines with reference to the context: (5) 
No eye could look
The explosion that took
The lives of two glories
In the moments if furies.
(b) Punctuate the following extract from Book-I(short stories) (5)
Look here i said to the child we are going to look at your throat you are old enough to understand what i am saying.
(c) Use any Five of the following pairs of words in sentences of your own. (5)
(i) Abject; Object   (ii) Beach; Beech
(iii) Council; Counsel  (iv) Deer; Dear
(v) Eligible; Illegible   (vi) Fair; Fare
(vii) Gate; Gait
8. Translate the following passage in to Urdu. (10)
Looking out, all the trees were queers and still, clotted with insects, their boughs weighed to the ground. The earth seemed to be moving, locusts crawling everywhere, she couldn't see the lands at all, so thick was the swarm. To ward the mountains it was like looking in to driving rain-----even as she watched, the sun was blotted out with a fresh onrush of them. It was half night, a perverted blackness. Then came a sharp crack from the bush------ a branch had snapped off. The another. A tree down the slope leaned over and settled heavily to the ground.
NOTE:- (Alternative question for foreign/English Medium candidates only)
Write an Essay on " Democracy".